History Encryption

History encryption is a way of protecting the page data stored in the browser history. For more details about it, refer to the official Inertia.js History encryption documentation. In this page, you can see how to enable it in Inertia Rust.

Global Encryption

On your Inertia struct config, you can encrypt_history to globally enable history encryption:

use inertia_rust::{Inertia, InertiaConfig};

let inertia = Inertia::new(

It’ll set Inertia::encrypt_history to true. By default, it’s disabled.

Per-request Encryption

Call encrypt_history(bool) to enable or disable encryption of a request before you render the page:

Inertia::encrypt_history(&req, true);

It overwrites the global configuration and even the middleware (we’ll cover it in the next topic). It means you can use it to disable encryption for an specific route by passing false as parameter.

Encrypt Middleware

You can import the EncryptHistoryMiddleware from your provider and wrap some routes with it to enable encryption for the routes within the wrapped group.

use actix_web::App;
use inertia_rust::actix::EncryptHistoryMiddleware;


Clearing History

To clear the history state from the server-side, call clear_history before rendering the page:


Again, for more information about clearing history, refere to Inertia’s Clearing history section from History encryption documentation.