Flash Messages and Validation Errors

Inertia Middleware will also merge flash errors with the shared props. The resulting props will be injected back into the request and will be further merged again with the page props during rendering, thus, making all of them available to your client-side page component.

As said earlier, Inertia Rust is not made for one single framework and all of them actually might have built-in sessions management. Hence, you need to built by yourself a second middleware that injects an InertiaTemporarySession object in the request context/extensions:

// InertiaTemporarySession struct from Inertia Rust
#[derive(Clone, Serialize)]
pub struct InertiaTemporarySession {
    // Optional errors hashmap
    pub errors: Option<Map<String, Value>>,
    // The previous request URL
    // useful for redirecting back with errors
    pub prev_req_url: String,

The middleware tries to extract this from the request context and merge it with the shared props. This is how validation errors might get available to your page components without explicitly sending them with Inertia::render_with_props.

It’s up to you to set up a middleware that extracts errors from the session and add them wrapped in InertiaTemporarySession to the request’s extensions, however, there is a useful snippet containing a sample of this middleware in Actix Web Implementations chapter.

Reflash Session Middleware

Sometimes, Inertia Rust will trigger a forced-refresh (see Assets Management topic from Inertia.js official documentation for more details). If there was a InertiaTemporarySession to be treated by that request, it’ll be lost by the nature of temporary sessions.

To avoid this, Inertia Rust wraps the current temporary session inside another struct — InertiaSessionToReflash. This allows you to make a middleware responsible for using it to reflash the session. This way, the temporary session will be available for the subsequent request from the current client.

Check a actix web implementation of this middleware at Actix Web Implementations chapter.

Redirecting Back With Errors

To redirect back with errors, ensure the Inertia Temporary Session middleware is correctly set up. It must look for a SessionErrors instance in the request extensions and persist it in the user’s session inside the "_errors" key – or whatever key choosen to represent the errors in the sessions.

Note: "_errors" key is expected to represent a stringified JSON object.

For instance, it would be something like the following pseudo Rust code:

use actix_web::{get, HttpRequest, Responder};
use inertia_rust::{hashmap, Inertia, InertiaFacade};

async fn foo(req: HttpRequest) -> impl Responder {
    Inertia::back_with_errors(&req, hashmap![
        "age" => to_value("You must be over 13 y.o. to access this website").unwrap()

For making it a little bit better, you might provide your own facade for redirecting back with errors. Again, it’s not possible for us to make this little helper, since it’d be necessary to introduce session management crates as dependency. Nor can we provide the utility trait so that you implement it yourself, since you can only implement your own traits for foreign struct.

However, you can refer to Actix Web Implementations and grab a snippet containing an sample implementation of a trait that enhances Inertia struct, providing a back_with_errors method.