
To get Inertia working, you’ll need to ensure some peer dependencies are installed. Once you opt-in a specific provider, assure the needed peer crate is also available.

# Cargo.toml

inertia-rust = { version = "2", features = ["actix", "vite-template-resolver"] }
actix-web = "4"
vite-rust = { version = "0.2" }

The vite-template-resolver feature enables the ViteTemplateResolver. We’ll discuss it furthermore, in the Template Resolvers, along with how to set up your own template resolver. On this documentation, we’ll use vite-rust and Actix Web, so you must have them installed.

Available Crate Features

  • actix: enable Actix Web provider;
  • vite-template-resolver: enable ViteTemplateResolver.

Vite Setup

ViteTemplateResolver requires a Vite instance, so, we need to both set up Vite and Inertia. Read vite-rust docs for more details about setting it up. For this example, consider the following configuration:

// src/config/
use vite_rust::{Vite, ViteConfig};

pub async fn initialize_vite() -> Vite {
    let vite_config = ViteConfig::default()
        // you can add the same client-side entrypoints to vite-rust,
        // so that it won't panic if the manifest file doesn't exist but the
        // development server is running

    match Vite::new(vite_config).await {
        Err(err) => panic!("{}", err),
        Ok(vite) => vite

Inertia Setup

// src/config/
use super::vite::initialize_vite;
use inertia_rust::{
    template_resolvers::ViteTemplateResolver, Inertia, InertiaConfig, InertiaVersion,
use std::io;

pub async fn initialize_inertia() -> Result<Inertia, io::Error> {
    let vite = initialize_vite().await;
    let version = vite.get_hash().unwrap_or("development").to_string();
    let resolver = ViteTemplateResolver::new(vite);


Inertia Configuration

OptionType (default)Description
url&strA valid href of the current application
versionInertiaVersionThe current asset version of the application. See Asset versioning for more details.
template_path&strThe path to the root html template.
template_resolverBox<dyn TemplateResolver + Send + Sync>A valid Template Resolver.
with_ssrbool (false)Whether Server-side Rendering should be enabled or not.
custom_ssr_clientOption<SsrClient> (SsrClient::default)The Inertia Server address.
view_dataOption<ViewData> (None)Optional view data to be passed to the root template. (needs to be handled by the Template Resolver)
encrypt_historybool (false)Whether to encrypt the session or not. Refer to History encryption for more details.

For even more details, read the InertiaConfig and InertiaConfigBuilder documentations.

Actix Web Server

// src/
use std::sync::{Arc, OnceLock};
use actix_web::{dev::Path, web::Data, App, HttpServer};
use config::inertia::initialize_inertia;

mod config;

async fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> {

    // starts a Inertia manager instance.
    let inertia = initialize_inertia().await?;
    let inertia = Data::new(inertia);

    HttpServer::new(move || App::new().app_data(inertia.clone()))
        .bind(("", 3000))?

Root Template

ViteTemplateResolver receives a path to an HTML template file. Inertia Rust will pass the given template_path to the resolver. In this case, it’s www/root.html file.

<!-- www/root.html -->
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, user-scalable=no, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, minimum-scale=1.0">
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge">
    <!-- include this if you're using ReactJs -->
    <!-- @vite::react -->

Inertia Middleware

The Inertia Middleware comes from your opted provider. It has few responsibilities:

  • allow you to share props, via with_shared_props method (discussed in Shared Props);
  • ensure that redirects for PUT, PATCH and DELETE requests always use a 303 status code;
  • merge shared props with errors flash messages (discussed in Flash Messages and Validation Errors).
use actix_web::{App, HttpServer};
use inertia_rust::actix::InertiaMiddleware;
use inertia_rust::{hashmap, InertiaProp, InertiaProps, InertiaService};

async fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> {
    // ...

    HttpServer::new(move || {
    .bind(("", 3000))?

You can check more examples in Inertia Rust examples directory. Also, do check Inertia.js client-side setup tutorial.